Chicago Cellar Boys
@The Green Mill
Andy Schumm (cort/cl/sax), John Otto (cl/sax), Natalie Scharf (cl/sax), Jimmy Barrett (banj, gt), Paul Asaro (p/vo), Dan Anderson (tub/b)

Andy Schumm (cort/cl/sax)
事前リサーチの段階からただならぬオリジナリティを予感していた「The Green Mill」は、1920年代あのアル・カポネも根城にしていた歴史的ヴェニュー。噂では当時使っていた警官対策の秘密の出口や銃弾の跡もあるとか?ましてやこの日はそんなジャズ・エイジの音と装いを今もフレッシュにお届けするシカゴ・セラー・ボーイズの定例公演ということもあり、扉を開けた瞬間からタイムスリップしたかのような異空間。たまたまバーカウンターに居合わせたシカゴ在住のスタンダップコメディアン、サク・ヤナガワ曰く、「アタリの日に来ましたね」と。That’s Right & ご馳走様でした!なおショーの前後で近所のチャイナレストラン「Sun Wah BBQ」で名物ダックオンライスも堪能いただくことを強くお勧めします!
During the preliminary research, I already expected that “The Green Mill” would be an extraordinary venue with a lot of originality, and it is a historical venue that Al Capone used as his stronghold in the 1920s. Rumor has it that there are secret exits and bullet holes from the time when it was used as a hideout for police officers? What's more, on this day, the Chicago Cellar Boys, who still delivers the sounds and atmosphere of the Jazz Age with freshness, was expected to have one of their regular performances, so from the moment you open the door, it's like you've slipped back in time to a different time and space. Saku Yanagawa, a stand-up comedian based in Chicago who happened to be at the bar counter, said, “You came on a good day. That's right, and thank you for the beer! I also strongly recommend that you enjoy the famous duck-on-rice at the nearby Chinese restaurant ‘Sun Wah BBQ’ before and after the show!

Chicago Cellar Boys

the sounds and atmosphere of the Jazz age

Wednesday Dance Queen:)

Mood Indigo in Chicago

Paul Asaro (p/vo)

The entrance of Jazz age
Chicago Cellar Boys
Formed in 2017, the Chicago Cellar Boys can be heard every Sunday at the Honky Tonk BBQ in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood from 6 'til 9pm. The band can also be heard at Chicago's legendary Green Mill Cocktail Lounge every Tuesday from 8pm 'til midnight.
The band prides itself on its authentic and bold approach in interpreting the jazz and hot dance styles of the 1920s and 1930s. The Cellar Boys are adept at fitting any atmosphere; The band is equally at home in concert, in a bar, at a party, or while guests dine.
The Chicago Cellar Boys are dedicated to this era both musically and aesthetically. The band always looks the part, and acts professionally from beginning to end. We look forward to working with you to add a vintage, yet modern and original experience to your event.