James Santangelo Trio
James Santangelo (p), Khary Abdul-Shaheed (dr), Jon L. Smith (b), Christian Klinefelter (b)

James Santangelo
I revisited the famous club “TIME”. The main performers today were James Santangelo, a pianist representing the local area, and drummer Khary Abdul-Shaheed and the two-piece band of bassist John L. Smith, with the young and talented Christian Kleinfelder. The contrast between James’ precise skills and Khary’s happy energy complimented each other, and the bass players supported the balance between them beautifully. It was a wonderful performance. I was also able to interview Rob Rogers, the creative director of the venue, so I had nothing left to regret on my last night in Philly. Speaking of which, I saw a photo of Amaro Freitas having a session at this venue on Instagram the other day, and it made me realize once again, that this is a venue that truly represents the city.

James Santangelo

Khary Abdul-Shaheed

Jon L. Smith

Christian Klinefelter

No Time No Philadelphia

Thank you!
フィラデルフィアを拠点に活動するピアニスト。「TIME」以外にも「Chris’ Jazz Cafe」でレギュラー・セッションをオーガナイズしている。これまでリリースしたアルバムはBandcampで購入可能。
James Santangelo
A pianist based in Philadelphia. In addition to “TIME”, he also organizes regular sessions at “Chris' Jazz Cafe.” His albums to date are available for purchase on Bandcamp.