Naomi Moon Siegel Ensemble
@ Royal Room
Naomi Moon Siegel(tb), Andy Coe(gt), Ray Larsen(tp), Kelsey Mines(b), Marina Albero(p), Christopher Icasiano(dr)

N.Siegel & R.Larsen
My time in Columbia City was limited, because it’s in Seattle's suburbs. But I decided to visit this legendary venue “Royal Room” as it was well known as one of the must-visit places in town. The beautiful evening sun streaming in through the window heightened my anticipation for the live performance that was about to begin. Although I only had a brief chat with Naomi, who was the resident of the event, I felt her cool demeanor reflected in her music. A dignified and tough sound. On the other hand, I now recall Conor’s trombone I heard the day before, which had a sense of soft femininity to it. In the creative world, not limited to music, we often encounter situations where such contrasts enhance the performer's expression, feminine quality from men, and masculine quality that exudes from female musicians’ performances. By the way, the classic beef stew that is on the menu here is superb, so if you have a chance, please do not miss it!



N.Siegel & R.Larsen

The beautiful evening sun streaming in through the window

Eye contact for my beer:)

Exterior of Royal Room
数々の賞を受賞しているトロンボーン奏者で作曲家のナオミ・ムーン・シーゲルは、「ストレート・アヘッド、フュージョン、モダンジャズの要素をワールド・ミュージックのテイストと融合させ、21世紀のサウンドを創り上げている」(JAZZIZ)。彼女はトロンボーンを、息、唾、身体性に彩られた音響表現の手段として探求することに力を注いでいる。作曲家、バンドリーダーとして、シーゲルは2016年にBreak Open Recordsから『Shoebox View』、2019年にSlow and Steady Recordsから『Live at Earshot』という2枚のアルバムをリリースし、高い評価を獲得。シーゲルとアリソン・ミラーのプロデュースによるサード・アルバムは2024年にリリース予定で、気候変動、悲しみ、喜びといったテーマからインスピレーションを得ている。
Naomi Moon Siegel
Born in western Massachusetts, spent many formative years playing in the woods of western North Carolina with a community of friends, and was raised outside Chicago. Inspired by the natural world, her music creates an auditory landscape, providing a space for performers and listeners to be with their own feelings while connecting with the surrounding ecosystem.
Award-winning trombonist and composer Naomi Moon Siegel has “crafted a truly unique aesthetic, combining elements of straightahead, fusion and modern jazz with world-music flavors in a way that sounds entirely of the 21st century” (JAZZIZ). She is committed to exploring the trombone as a vehicle for sonic expression colored by breath, spit, and physicality. As a composer and bandleader, Siegel has released two albums to critical acclaim, Shoebox View on Break Open Records in 2016, and Live at Earshot on Slow and Steady Records in 2019. Her third album, produced by Siegel and Allison Miller, is slated to come out in 2024, drawing inspiration from themes such as climate change, grief, and joy.